Corporate Membership

Our corporate membership has two categories and is open for any business or organisation that complies with the ISMAUK Charter.

By joining ISMAUK you can now actively demonstrate your organisation’s positive commitment to reducing work-related stress, depression or anxiety in the workplace.



About Corporate Membership

There are two corporate membership categories, both based on the business or organisation’s annual turnover.

  • Band A – for those with an annual turnover up to £250k
  • Band B – for those with an annual turnover over £250k

Corporate membership does not confer any professional qualification. It carries non-voting status. You and colleagues may be eligible to join individually as Associate or Student Members and have the option of joining as Professional Members if the ISMAUK Membership Guidelines are fulfilled. These membership categories receive the appropriate membership benefits, certificates and logos for individual use

Joining Criteria

1 Any business or organisation that agrees to comply with the ISMAUK Charter

Our charter promotes wellbeing, particularly psychological wellbeing, which enables effective performance at work, no matter how large or small the organisation, improving performance, and in turn reducing absenteeism and presenteeism.

2 A current health and safety policy is in place

This is a legal requirement if you employ five or more people and it needs to set out your general approach to health and safety.

If you have five or more employees, you must write your H&S policy down. If you have fewer than five employees you do not have to write anything down, but it is useful to do so. Stress is considered a hazard (Health & Safety Executive).

3 Your business or organisation understands and applies the requirements for a stress risk assessment

Employers have a legal duty to protect their employees from stress at work by undertaking a risk assessment and acting on it. If you have fewer than five employees, you don’t have to write anything down but it is considered useful to do so. If you have five or more employees, you are required by law to write down your risk assessment

Please contact Claire at with any questions

You may also find the HSE's Management Standards helpful.


These benefits are for businesses or organisation that join ISMAUK and wish to work with us to reduce stress in the workplace and agree to comply with the ISMAUK Charter.

  • Corporate membership certificate and logo
  • ISMAUK Charter certificate and logo
  • One-hour complimentary consultation to discuss stress management strategies and training provision tailored to your organisation’s needs
  • Access to a professional journal ‘The International Journal of Stress Prevention & Wellbeing’ (digital)
  • Participate in International Stress Awareness Week and Stress Awareness Day with the use of logos
  • ISMAUK Stress News monthly
  • Invitation to member-only networking events
  • Editorial access to the ISMAUK online Hub – a community forum
  • Option to sponsor one ISMAUK interactive webinar per year
  • Option to speak at one ISMAUK interactive event per year
  • Up to four complimentary passes to ISMAUK Summit plus 25% discount for six colleagues
  • Discounts on ISMAUK recognised training packs
  • Networking and professional development opportunities

Join Now

Please complete the Application Form here.

Your membership and Charter certificates plus logos will automatically be sent on joining. You can download the ISMAUK Charter here and Code of Conduct here 

To arrange all other benefits please email our administrator Claire Parkinson or our membership secretary with any questions

ISMAUK looks forward to offering you a warm welcome to our professional community.


Corporate Membership Fees

£325 pa for those with an annual turnover up to £250K
Plus a one-off non-refundable administration fee of £30

£555 pa for those with an annual turnover of over £250K
Plus a one-off non-refundable administration fee of £30


Wellbeing & Resilience at Work Training Programme

“I am delighted to support ISMAUK and their noble mission to reduce stress, build resilience and improve wellbeing, both in the workplace and in society”

Stephen Fry, Actor, Writer and Presenter

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