
  • International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing
  • International Journal of Stress Management
  • SMPIJ (Stress Management Professional)


International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing

The International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles on all aspects of the theory, research and practice of stress prevention and wellbeing. The professional sponsor of the journal is the International Stress Management Association (UK). ISMA (UK) is a registered charity and the lead professional body for workplace and personal stress management, wellbeing and performance.


International Journal of Stress Management

This journal is a publication of the International Stress Management Association, published by the American Psychological Association. It is published quarterly.

The editorial focus of the International Journal of Stress Management® (IJSM) is the assessment, management, and treatment of stress and trauma, whether emotional, cognitive, behavioural, or physiological. Personal, occupational, organisational, and societal issues relevant to stress identification and management are also covered.

Editor Luo Lu, PhD
ISSN 1072-5245; eISSN 1573-3424


SMPIJ (Stress Management Professional)

SMPIJ is published by ISMA India and is an international journal that brings together research papers on all aspects of stress management. It was first published in 2013 and two issues per year (January to June and July to December) are published.


Wellbeing & Resilience at Work Training Programme

“I am delighted to support ISMAUK and their noble mission to reduce stress, build resilience and improve wellbeing, both in the workplace and in society”

Stephen Fry, Actor, Writer and Presenter

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