Bringing Wellbeing Closer to You

Thank you for all your entries! We have a winner!


ISMAUK’s Wellbeing Competition!
Bringing Wellbeing Closer to You

This year, we held our first Wellbeing Competition to mark International Stress Awareness Week. Entrants were invited to send images that expressed ‘Bringing wellbeing closer to you’ together with a strapline expressing the wellbeing moment and a wellbeing top tip. The winner of this fun competition was -

Alice Tuohy

Her winning image appears here –

Alice’s strapline that captures the wellbeing moment in her picture:

  •  'Chase the sunsets, chase the light, breathe it all in.'

Alice’s Wellbeing Top Tip:

  •  'The power of nature can never be underestimated; get outside, chase the skies, walk it out, breathe it all in.'

As our winner Alice was awarded -

  • A special certificate, signed by ISMAUK patron Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE
  • A complimentary copy of ISMAUK’s new e-book on Workplace Wellbeing, plus
  • Free entry to the ISMAUK Global Stress & Wellbeing Summit 2021 !

We’d like to thank everyone who sent in entries - they were much appreciated, but there can only be one winner!

Wellbeing & Resilience at Work Training Programme

“I am delighted to support ISMAUK and their noble mission to reduce stress, build resilience and improve wellbeing, both in the workplace and in society”

Stephen Fry, Actor, Writer and Presenter

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