The International Stress Management AssociationUK

How to Identify Stress


What to look for:

Below are just some of the many signs and symptoms that are indicators of too much pressure that can come from yourself, work, home, any combination of, or maybe even all three.

It is sometimes easier for someone else to recognise stress in you, but not always so straightforward to recognise it yourself. It is easy to say the symptoms will go away, but they may not. Go and see your GP if the number of symptoms increase/change, become more frequent, get worse or are long lasting.

You can find all this information in our free downloads section How to Identify Stress here.


  • Inability to concentrate or make simple decisions
  • Memory lapses
  • Becoming rather vague
  • Easily distracted
  • Less intuitive & creative
  • Undue worrying / racing thoughts
  • Feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unfocused
  • Depression & anxiety
  • Negative thinking
  • Insomnia or waking still tired
  • Prone to accidents


  • Tearful
  • Irritable
  • Mood swings
  • Extra sensitive to criticism
  • Defensive
  • Feeling out of control
  • Lack of motivation
  • Angry
  • Frustrated
  • Lack of confidence
  • Lack of self-esteem


  • Aches/pains & muscle tension/grinding teeth
  • Frequent colds/infections
  • Allergies/rashes/skin irritations
  • Constipation/diarrhoea/IBS
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Indigestion/heartburn/ulcers
  • Hyperventilating/lump in the throat/pins & needles
  • Dizziness/palpitations
  • Nervousness or shaking uncontrollably
  • Panic attacks/nausea
  • Cold or sweaty hands and feet
  • Physical tiredness
  • Menstrual changes/loss of libido/sexual problems
  • Heart problems/high blood pressure


  • No time for relaxation or pleasurable activities
  • Prone to accidents, forgetfulness
  • Increased reliance on alcohol, smoking, caffeine, recreational or illegal drugs
  • Becoming a workaholic
  • Poor time management and/or poor standards of work
  • Absenteeism
  • Self neglect/change in appearance
  • Social withdrawal
  • Relationship problems
  • Insomnia or waking tired
  • Aggressive/anger outbursts
  • Nervous
  • Uncharacteristically lying

Wellbeing & Resilience at Work Training Programme

“I am delighted to support ISMAUK and their noble mission to reduce stress, build resilience and improve wellbeing, both in the workplace and in society”

Stephen Fry, Actor, Writer and Presenter

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