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Is an online directory listing therapists (counsellors, chiropractors, acupuncturists etc) all over the UK. All the therapists registered with us will have a relevant qualification and insurance cover or proof of registration with a professional body, so we are assured of their professionalism.
The site also has a wealth of information about various types of distress that complementary therapies can help, as well as a blog about the latest therapy news.
NIOSH is the US Federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work related illness and injury. This link takes you to their excellent paper on Stress at Work.
Information from the National Health Service on stress management, workplace health, anxiety and living with depression.
Relaxation Tips for stress Work related stress Top 10 stress busting tips
Provides local support, including housing schemes, home support, advocacy services and information, for those with mental health needs.
Tel: 028 9032 8474
Mental health and psychology directory.
Helpline: 0845 122 8622
Email: psychnet@psychnet-uk.com
Support and advice for everyone affected by severe mental illness.
General enquiries: 0845 456 0455
National advice service: 020 8974 6814
Email: info@rethink.org
The professional body for psychiatrists in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
Tel: 020 7235 2351
Email: rcpsych@rcpsych.ac.uk
A professional body representing over 22,000 physicians worldwide.
Tel: 020 7224 1539
Email: info@rcplondon.ac.uk
Provides 24-hour, confidential emotional support to any person who is suicidal or despairing.
UK helpline: 116 123
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Offers information, crisis care and emotional support.
Helpline: 0845 767 8000
Email: info@sane.org.uk
Campaigns and provides services across Scotland for people with mental health problems, homelessness, addictions and other forms of social exclusion.
Tel: 0141 568 7000
Email: enquiries@samh.org.uk
Therapy Directory only lists therapists who are registered with a recognised professional body or those who have sent us copies of their qualifications and insurance cover.
Publishes the National Register of Psychotherapists, which lists more than 5,000 therapists.
Tel: 020 7014 9955
Email: info@psychotherapy.org.uk
It is the aim of UKCHO to promote the professional regulation of hypnotherapy within the United Kingdom, to ensure that Hypnotherapists are safe and competent to practice, and that they adhere to national standards of ethics and training.
A very comprehensive site but not the easiest place to find your way around. Try the Medline database as a start.